Editing: blog task 688 words

 Your final analytical blog task is to find a film or television clip on YouTube that you feel has been edited in a distinctive way and write a 750 word analysis of the clip.


In this one on one , dialogue heavy scene , shots and editing have been used simply yet effectively in order to present the true emotion behind the story line and reality of the events undergoing within a winning academy award for best film editing ,movie based on the life of legendary boxer Jake Lammata the renowned raging bull that was released in 1980 and had the cast of great actors such as Robert De Niro and Jo Pesci   . 

A highly crucial aspect towards the editing is the mass but correct use of the 180 degrees rule which is precisely carried along smoothly  throughout the complete entirety of the 2 minutes and 38 seconds. It is utilised constantly in the clip in order to emphasise the reality and importance of the legendary passionate  conversation . 

The first 28 seconds of the clip is edited directly with a straight cut switching straight from character to character whilst they are sat at one position attaining eye contact , allowing them to present the dialogue whilst constantly undergoing the 180 degrees rule . Straight cuts being utilised in the first quarter of the scene provides the thread of a conversation and heavily commutes the feeling of the scene being natural . Constant switching from character to character during speech allows the expressions and tone of each character to convey their emotions to audiences .

Upon the 28th second of the scene a hint of match on action is given as the secondary character named as joey stands up during the straight cut switch to him allowing the hint of urgency to be conveyed amongst his action in the midst of the conversation . Then the straight cut constantly used is to be continued within the scene which had now seemed to have a different emotion due to the raise of tone from joey conveying urgency and anger alongside the use of swearing . Until 46 seconds when a confused Jake stands up in the heated moment to continue the conversation . This creates a higher feeling of suspense and the idea that a scene of importance may be soon to undertake . Classic straight cuts are reused during the scene where both characters are now stood discussing in an emotional and personal conversation which may affect their relationship as brothers . Distress , confusion and disappointment is heavily displayed constantly through the facial expressions and tone of voice whilst the switch scenes occur in order to pursue the scene in its emotional impact towards the characters and storyline . 

Upon the last , just under 10 seconds of the scene Joey gives an impactful speech with passion in a loud tone and disrespectful manor towards the downfalls of Jake and what he needs to stop to better his life ,  which is proved to have a heavy relation onto Jake personally as his face being in shot during the speech presents confusion and self awareness as he is staring deeply into nothingness . A cut scene then emerges to a door being slammed shut which is commenced after a door is heard slowly creaking upon the end of Joeys ‘rant’ during Jakes deep stare into nothing .

This scene had been conveyed as the best scene in raging bull as it had been posted under that name on YouTube and received 1 million views . This may be confusing as the scene is given in much simplicity and has been shot in one setting compared to other scenes in the movie such as boxing matches which contained high action , fast pace editing and complexity alongside increasing variety of shots and edits . However the simplicity of the scene may be the key to its success as it is a key emotional component of the film as a whole the simple cut scenes from character to character may have strongly generated the feeling of reality and may had caused the viewers to experience the movie as it was a real life conversation alongside the great acting and dialogue the natural progression of the scene demonstrates a real life conversation .


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