
Showing posts from September, 2024

Music Video: index unfinished

  1)   Music video introduction blog task 2)   Music Video: Old Town Road CSP 3)  Music Video: Postcolonial theory 4)  Music Video: Ghost Town CSP 5)  Music Video: Postmodernism and music video

Radio: Final index

  1)   Radio: Introduction to Radio 2)   Radio: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat 3)  Radio: War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

  Read  Media Factsheet #176: CSP Radio - War of the Worlds . 1) What is the history and narrative behind War of the Worlds? It was originally a novel published in 1898 about an alien invasion and the conflict between mankind and a species from MARS. 2) When was it first broadcast and what is the popular myth regarding the reaction from the audience? It was broadcasted in 1938 and audiences believed that the alien invasion was happening in real time during the broadcast causing them to react in numerous ways whilst spreading the 'news' that they truly believed was factual. 3) How did the New York Times report the reaction the next day? With the headline,  MANY FLEE HOMES TO ESCAPE ‘GAS RAID FROM MARS’ – PHONE CALLS SWAMP POLICE AT BROADCAST OF WELLES FANTASY. 4) How did author Brad Schwartz describe the the broadcast and its reaction? Hysteria: Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds and the Art of Fake News’ suggests that hysteria it caused was not entirely a myth. “Instead it was so

Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

  1) State the  song  you have chosen for your preliminary exercise.  Till I collapse by Eminem 2) Choose at least  three  music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make  bullet-point notes  on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene. Hall fame - The script ft WILL I AM Shape Of You - Ed sheeran Eye of the tiger - survivor 3)  Write a short  music video treatment  for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can  find an example of a treatment here . If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project. Start from 00:51 with Scene1: In bedroom under the bed having tired expressions struggling to get up with dull lighting. Scene 2 : Gets up - puts on shoes

Introduction to radio: blog tasks

  BBC Sounds Read  this Guardian feature on the launch of BBC Sounds  and answer the following questions: 1) Why does the article suggest that ‘on the face of it, BBC Radio is in rude health’? They are trying to implement the idea that the future for BBC radio is looking bright and that they are in good hands under the good ideas and productions they have and make. 2) According to the article, what percentage of under-35s used the BBC iPlayer catch-up radio app? Just 3%. 3) What is BBC Sounds? A new app and website that has radio livestreams, catch-up services, music mixes and podcasts together under one roof. 4) How do audiences listen to radio content in the digital age? Through podcasts on apps like Spotify and on voice assistants like amazon Alexa. 5) What does Jason Phipps suggest is important for radio and podcast content aimed at younger audiences? Story led journeys with personal experiences. 6) Why does the BBC need to stay relevant? Because of its great history and ability to

Ignite presentation learner response

  1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  Research - 3 Music video / magazine concept - 4 Language : terminology and theory - 4 Representations - 3 Audience and industry - 4 Delivery - 4 22/30 Comments: . Great justification for mainstream nature of song with 1.5Billion streams . Really clear presentation , good timing - spot on for the 15 second auto - advance . Great name for your artist . Music magazine needs to be original but using XXL as inspiration in terms of design can work . Magazine content plan is good those articles should work well . Camerawork and editing are solid - will need specific examples for your statement of intent  . Mise-en-scene a real strength - lots of slides used for this . Representation addressed through stereotypes - good points but no media theory. You'll need this for the statement of intent next draft . Audience points are fair - need to make sure it fits the brief . Industry strong - lov

BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat: Blog tasks

  Use  BBC Sounds to listen to Radio 1 . Select a Newsbeat bulletin (8am or 12.45pm are good options)  and then answer the following questions:  1) What news stories were featured in the bulletin you listened to? 12/06/24 Gaza genocide , Mosquitoes , Football , Rugby and Bridger-ton. 2) How does Newsbeat appeal to a youth audience? They cover all types of topics that would be relevant to younger audiences. 3) How might Newsbeat help  fulfil the BBC's responsibilities as a public service broadcaster?  It appeals to the public as it broadcasts important news in an accessible and convenience way. Media Factsheet #246: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat Read  Factsheet #246 BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat . You'll need your Greenford google login to access it. Answer the following questions: 1) How is the history and launch of Radio 1 summarised in the factsheet? If you studied this as part of GCSE Media you will already know much of this. Tony Blackburn opened Radio 1 on 30th September 1967 at  7.00am, Th

Summer Project: coursework planning

  1) Research: music videos You need to write a  150-word close-textual analysis  of  SIX  music videos that will inform your production work. The music videos you analyse are up to you but focus on a different aspect of media language for each one (see guidance below).   Music videos Music Video 1: Narrative  How is narrative used in the music video and what impact does this have on the audience? Can you apply any narrative theories to the story in the music video?   (168 words) In the music video , stressed out by twenty one pilots the narrative demonstrated has high importance and causes a major impact upon the audience due to the purpose of the song being an expression of anxiety and stress which comes from the transition from adolescence into adulthood. The video perfectly represents this narrative with each clip. This is due to the video constantly portraying activities that would be a common occurrence for children such as bike ri