Editing video feedback/learner response

 1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

.This doesn't literally meet the brief but I feel it does meet the spirit - opening a gate , exchanging dialogue etc .

. Initial match on action is good but after that there are several cuts that are not smooth in terms of continuity 

. I'm pretty sure this breaks the 180 rule which is a very important lesson for coursework 

. I did enjoy the dialogue -  it made me laugh . Not sure overall this meets the brief though .

2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

WWW : 

.Good acting and dialogue 
.Correct use of match on action 

EBI : 180 rule was in play 

3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned?

I failed to correctly use the 180 degrees rule and didn't in terms meet the exact brief however I supported the idea of it .

4) What were the strengths and weaknesses of your final film? Write a detailed analysis picking out specific shots, edits and any other aspect of film language you think is relevant.

The weaknesses were the dialogue not being clear and not many clean cuts . The strengths were match on action such as the gate opening and the fist bump .

5) Learner response: what aspect of editing did you find most difficult? What have you learned from this process that will help you when you start the actual coursework later this year?

I found finding the write frames and where and when to cut was difficult but this will support me in the future as it is needed for me to improve upon .


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